Monday, February 4, 2013

We are here.....

Just to let you know that my friend Claudia and I made it to our hotel in Paris. I will take a picture of her so those of you who don't know her will be introduced.  Claudia and I flew on different planes, so the challenge was establishing a meeting place somewhere we had no idea how to find each other. The night before we left we looked up the map of the airport and found that there were nine terminals. We found which ones our planes were coming into. Since my plane came in first I took the train to the terminal that Claudia's plane was landing at. The terminals are not close and there was a big walk after the train. The signs were very clear and I didn't even have to ask to accomplish it. I got there after Claudia's plane landed and she had her luggage. I was standing at our meeting point thinking now what do I do and there she was. Doesn't God just take care of you. She had already asked where to catch the bus to get to the opera which our hotel is close to. After a hour ride we were there. Then we found a taxi and paid 20 euros to get to our hotel. It is a clean and a basic room and small. The first room had just been painted and with my chemical sensitivity we were moved to a older room, but still good.

Then we investigated our surroundings on the streets around our hotel. We stopped at a small cafe to have a salad and soup. There are many nice places to eat and then we found a chocolate shop. We are set for chocolate for a little while.

Nest we slept and got up at 7 pm.  We decided to just rest and have a couple of snacks that we brought along.  We learned how to hook up on the internet at the hotel. We subscribed to Biongo for out on the street, but haven't figured out how to use it yet.

Sorry there are no picture, but I just didn't have the energy yet. I have a feeling we will be up most of their night trying to get used to this time.

Thanks for joining us on our journey....

1 comment:

RhondaBuss said...

I am so happy for you! Embrace every moment.