Tuesday, December 20, 2011

More thoughts about Paris

I continue to think of my experiences in Paris. I have begun to look around to see if I can find anything here that is from France along the lines of food. I found the French butter that I ate there. I have also found a box of cookies, some wine and some cheeses. The food impressed me and I wasn't ready to let go of the experience yet. So now I can continue for awhile longer.
I often think of the sights that I saw there and am still trying to digest them. This was a interesting window display. Some nice large buttons on this jacket.
The middle hat is the one that I bought. It is a warm hat, so I won't get a lot of use of it here. This was a common style of hat woren there and then a nice long scarf around the neck.
I thought this was a pretty interesting jacket. Pretty busy looking.

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