The classes look like they are beginning to be of interest to a few people. Some are very involved in the holidays and hope to come after the beginning of the year.
This is one of my first students trying out the soy wax and then painting with procion thicken dye. Yesterday I had a student that dyed velvet with procion dyes and they came out great. I think her success will bring in more students for the next class in a couple of weeks.
Hey Joan,
Thought about you today at FV - wondered how your fantasy face would have looked.
Are you going to be teaching classes at your home? I am interested in learning about painting with thicken dyes.
Let me know...
I saw the fantasy faces that you posted on your blog. They were really neat. You women always amaze me with your talents.
Yes, I have begun teaching classes at my house. The women's picture that I posted that is what she is doing. We experimented with the new soy wax and then painted with thicken procion dye. I'll put a picture on the blog of the scarf that I did. I found that if too much moisture was put on the soy wax that it would de-solve it.
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