Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Additive Flowers

I have come up with more flower pins. This time I had a wool sweater which I felted and cut pieces to make the center and the tails that decorate it. Then I know that poka dots seem to be in this year, so I had a few pieces of silk that I gathered around the center to make a flower. I added a few beads and sequins on the center on the flower as well.

Monday, January 9, 2012


You can see that I have switched from my usual creations. I haven't beaded for awhile and have collected so many beautiful beads. It feels good to work in the detail it takes to bead. I have never beaded a collar before. It is labor intense. It took three weeks of about three to four hours most days. The design is free form. I created the earings to match. I am working on another one now and will be showing that when it is finished.