Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fabric Dyeing and Batiking

I have been having fun dyeing with procion dyes the last couple of days. Since I don't have a table big enough and I didn't want to frame or hang the 3 yards of fabrics I was working with. I decided to lay heavy plastic out on the grass in the back yard with rocks on the corners. You can see that I had some expert help.

I dyed the fabrics a light color first and then batiked.

Then I laid them out again and dyed the fabric. I covered them with a second sheet of plastic and left them overnight.

As you can see the orange one is done from the recent article in the Quilting Arts Magazine using berry box, spools of thread and toilet paper rolls.

The purple dyed fabric I used a iron I had.

Block Stamp

I finished carving this linolem block last night. A friend gave me some blocks and I thought I would use them up. I think the rubber blocks are easier to carve then these. Now I will have to think of a way to use it on my fabric.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Red Hats

I belong to Red Hats with our church and enjoy the women a great deal. I made a hat to go with my outfits to be in style.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dyeing Class

I am working on putting together a class for dyeing fabrics at my house. I will have a dyeing lab where people can come and use my dyes and then a instruction class. I am working on a flyer to take to my sewing class as there are some people interested there.